Trading An Entire Collection For One Watch
Have you ever been in a situation where you stumble upon a watch or two that really ignites the thought of trading your entire collection to get it? Other than just the thought of having something really expensive, this situation can somewhat be related to the fact that maybe your collection is starting to feel a little dull and the urge to discover more has started to fade away ever so slightly compared to the days when the hobby was fresh. Not going to lie, the thought of being able to click the imaginary reset button to see where the road takes you does sound interesting and tempting right?
While thinking about it, there’s obviously two groups of individuals, the ones that would and wouldn’t be willing to trade their collection for say, a one or two-watch collection. As watches have different levels of significance to every collector, it’s always cool to brainstorm the reasons why one would and wouldn’t be willing to make such a bold move.
Starting off with the ones who would. As the hobby never ends, this might just be a great opportunity to really step out and discover a new niche that you never thought would be your cup of tea. I mean, if you’re restarting, why not play the game a little differently? After all, if sentimental value isn’t a concern, you can always make a U-turn back to what you’re used to. But more importantly, taking a new approach might respark the initial enthusiasm that came with the hobby, making the journey a lot more exciting.
Now, for the ones who wouldn’t. Me included, watch collecting is more than just about buying watches that look great. Honestly, there’s just too much sentimental value attached to pieces that end up staying in the collection and that’s something that money can’t buy. Besides, there might be a reverse effect to trading an entire collection for a piece or two. Imagine this, you’re back to square one and you’ll be wearing the same watch almost everyday of the week. I don’t know, besides having the luxury to choose from a line of watches to wear, maybe it’s just the fact that it takes a crazy watch for me to be able to let go the sentimental aspect of collecting. How about you? What would you do if you saw something that catches your eye, will you be willing to trade your collection for it?